Board committees

The Board is assisted in its activities by a number of standing committees of the Board and, in undertaking its duties, it delegates certain authorities and decisions to these Committees.

The Board reviews the membership of these Committees on a regular basis. The Board committee structure, together with a summary of the roles and composition of the Committees, is outlined in the table below.

The Chairman is responsible for the leadership of the Board and ensuring its effectiveness. He is also responsible for organising the business of the Board and setting its agenda. In addition to the Chairman, there are currently five independent, non-executive Directors and one 3i Group plc nominee, who is not considered to be independent.

Audit and Risk Committee

Financial reporting, risk and internal controls

Wendy Dorman (Chair)
Doug Bannister
Stephanie Hazell
Samantha Hoe-Richardson
Martin Magee

Management Engagement Committee

Monitoring of the performance of the Investment Manager

Richard Laing (Chair)
Doug Bannister
Wendy Dorman
Stephanie Hazell
Samantha Hoe-Richardson
Martin Magee

Remuneration Committee

Director remuneration

Stephanie Hazell (Chair)
Doug Bannister

Wendy Dorman
Samantha Hoe-Richardson

Richard Laing
Martin Magee

Nomination Committee

Board appointments and size, balance and composition of the Board

Richard Laing (Chair)
Wendy Dorman
Stephanie Hazell

Disclosure Committee

Timely and accurate disclosure of all information

Richard Laing (Chair)
Doug Bannister
Wendy Dorman
Stephanie Hazell
Samantha Hoe-Richardson
Martin Magee

Senior Independent Director

In accordance with the AIC Code of Corporate Governance, any concerns can be conveyed to our Senior Independent Director, Stephanie Hazell, through the Company Secretary (