
Steril Milano – update

Steril Milano, a subsidiary of Ionisos, has made the following announcement on


Steril Milano – Liquidation announcement

In February 2021, we identified safety shortcomings and misreporting in the company. It seems that the company has been the victim of deliberate falsification for several years. There is an on-going investigation within this respect.

Since the discovery, Steril Milano and all its employees have tried to help customers by providing them with all available data and support.

In spite of all its effort, employees involvement, the design of a recovery action plan and the investments launched to strengthen the organization, quality control processes and the equipment, Steril Milano is facing an unbearable situation:

  • Almost no revenues since mid-February
  • Loss of the ISO certification
  • Customer contract terminations
  • Customer claims

Steril Milano has consequently decided to be placed under voluntary liquidation.

We expect an Administrator to be appointed shortly.