About us

Our purpose is to invest responsibly in infrastructure, delivering long-term sustainable returns to shareholders and having a positive influence on our portfolio companies and their stakeholders.

What we do

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Joulz (3)

Our business model

Find out what enables us to create value and the characteristics we look for in new investments.

Our business model


About 3i Infrastructure

3i’s Scott Moseley and Bernardo Sottomayor talk about 3iN’s approach and the structural growth megatrends underpinning our portfolio companies.

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Company summary (as at 31 March 2024)

£ 3.84 bn

Portfolio value



12.65 p

Target dividend per share for FY25

11.40 %

Total return on opening NAV for the year to 31 March 2024

£ 208 m

Total income and non-income cash in the year to 31 March 2024