
Through proactive engagement with our portfolio companies, we support them to improve their long-term resilience and strategically position themselves to leverage sustainability opportunities.

Our approach

Sustainability report 2024

As owners of infrastructure businesses with majority or significant minority holdings, we recognise our ability to influence our portfolio companies to act responsibly.

Sustainability report 2024

Easton 170427 0078 Valorem

Approach to TCFD reporting

The Investment Manager is required to publish a TCFD Entity report and a TCFD Product report (with respect to 3i Infrastructure plc).

The Entity report covers the Investment Manager’s approach to governance, strategy and risk management, metrics and targets related to climate change, and its approach to climate-related scenario analysis.

The Product report for 3i Infrastructure plc describes any material deviations from the Entity report, as well as key climate-related metrics and climate change scenario analysis.

Policies and TCFD
