Long-term track record

Since its launch in 2007, 3i Infrastructure has built a portfolio that has provided:

  • significant income, supporting the delivery of a progressive annual dividend
  • consistent capital growth; and
  • strong capital profits from realisations

These have contributed to an 18% annualised asset Internal Rate of Return (‘IRR’) since the Company’s inception. The European portfolio has generated strong returns, in line with, or in many cases ahead of, expectations.

Portfolio asset returns throughout holding period (since inception, £m)

Existing portfolio (Total return)

As at 31 March 2024

Realised assets (Total return)

As at 31 March 2024

WIG thumbnail

Find out how Wireless Infrastructure Group (WIG) grew and developed during our partnership.

Our portfolio

As at 30 September 2024, the Company has a portfolio of 12 assets, valued at £4.0bn.