
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and observe the requirements of the 2019 Association of Investment Companies Code of Corporate Governance. 

The Board's role is to lead the Company, and establish and implement its purpose (of delivering a long-term sustainable return) and strategy (maintaining a balanced portfolio of infrastructure investments delivering an attractive mix of income yield and capital appreciation to shareholders).  The Company has no employees and its investment and portfolio monitoring activities have been delegated by the Board to 3i Investments plc in its role as Investment Manager.  The Board ensures that the Investment Manager has the resources and capabilities to support the delivery of its purpose and strategy.

The Board’s values of Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability and Legacy underpin its open and collaborative culture and are supplemented by the skills that each individual Director brings to the Company.  The Board reviews its key decisions during the year to ensure that lessons are learnt from such decisions and that it monitors and assesses the manner in which it reached such decisions. 

The Board has direct access to the Company’s external advisers including the Company’s Auditor, corporate brokers, financial adviser, financial corporate communications adviser, UK tax adviser and legal advisers. 

3i Infrastructure Board Values

Our approach to corporate governance

The Company is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. It observes the requirements of the 2019 Association of Investment Companies Code of Corporate Governance  (“the AIC Code”), a copy of which is available from the Association of Investment Companies website (

The Company has complied with the provisions of the AIC Code for the financial year ending 31 March 2024, and the associated disclosures under paragraph 9.8.6 of the Listing Rules. 

The Board has adopted a code for Directors’ dealings in ordinary shares, which is based on the Model Code for Directors’ dealings contained in the Listing Rules (the “Model Code”). The Board is responsible for taking all proper and reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the Model Code by the Directors.

Board of Directors

The Board continues to focus on effective corporate governance which remains fundamental to how the Company conducts its business.

Investment manager

3i Investments plc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3i Group plc, acts as the Investment Manager to 3i Infrastructure through its infrastructure investment team.